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L Fuel to the K

Verfasst: 16 Dez 2005 6:20
von Kyelt_DK
does the L fuel fit to the K??

greetings oerre

Verfasst: 16 Dez 2005 8:00
von dirk.s
their´s no problem with the fuel. all bike´s run with fuel up to 91 oct.

in my oppinion fuel with 95 oct. is o.k. for every bike.



Verfasst: 16 Dez 2005 8:25
von frederic2001
Muaaah, moin Dirk.
Ich glaube er meint er ob der L Tank auf die K passt.

It won´t fit because the L and the k tail are different. If you mount it there is no smooth transition at the fuel tank.

Verfasst: 16 Dez 2005 8:28
von dirk.s
my english iss not so good, my german iss better .... um es mit lodda zu sagen. :wink:

ich dachte er weiss nicht, in welcher sparte er fragt.

so long,

enlish prof: von dirk

Verfasst: 16 Dez 2005 18:20
von Kyelt_DK
so ich haben mir nun verstärkung geholt.
danke an marita.

also tut der L Tank an meine K passen.
oder müssen ich was umändern??


Verfasst: 16 Dez 2005 18:54
von Casi
it won`t fit as it is - don`t know if it is possible to fit it, but I think it`ll be much easier than the one from the K to the L :wink:

but why the steel one from the L instead of your alloy one from the K :?:

Verfasst: 18 Dez 2005 17:42
von Gralssucher
Heyy willkommen KYELT und ein DREIFACHES HURRAAAA
aufs schoene Danmark!!!!

Verfasst: 21 Dez 2005 21:40
von Gast
exactly - you should better look for a real K Tank - the J tank might fit though, but as Casi already said - why mount a steel tank on a K... (I was looking for an L Tank recently and got offered a K Tank for an ok price - I can look up the email if you want - perhaps its still there, it was a dealer...)